How many boxes? Diving into a tackle box.

 Back a few months the question was a asked about how many boxes of figures I had.  Here is a tackle box that carries 1920 and 1939 Polish forces. In my Blitzkrieg map inspired imagination campaign, they represent the forces of Roi-Tann.  This is just a sampling  'in the box' of the kits not in really useful boxes.




  Yes I know that it is a WW1 airplane, read on!



  Again read on...please

The first couple of levels show a 1939 Polish force.

The rest of the box is for my 1920 era Polish army.  These have been stored away since 2009.

So, the Albatross is not out of place.

 I will have a proper walk through of the units and how I intend to use them soon. 
There are also some 1920's Soviet units that I received from a friend, but they must be cleaned up.

As always, thanks for looking and stopping by. More to come.


I use this same Plano, three-tray tackle box for my 15mm Napoleonics. This was the first storage system I used to stow and carry around my 15mm armies. Without checking, I think there are ten such tackle boxes stuffed with 15mm Napoleonics.
rross said…
Looks like a good storage solution Joe! 1920,s Poles look mate Julian is building up a force of those so we can "do" the Polish/Bolshevik war at some point, supposedly using the 1914 rules from Great Escaoe Games.
Matt Crump said…
It’s like a real adventure exploring unopened boxes of wargame stuff…great fun 👍
pancerni said…
Jonathan, that's a lot of 15mm soldiers! An un-toolboxing in order?

Keith, the Polish/Bolshevik war is fascinating. Have you used the 1914 rules yet? If they model the open war aspects then maybe for the Eastern Front they would work well. It would be interesting to compare , most of my forces are in 20mm (B&B) and I guess some Hat if I ever go back to the era in detail.

Matt, It's in some ways even better than new stuff... if its painted!
Dai said…
And that's just the WW1 stuff.... I am imagining a whole wall of these things stuffed to the gills with different armies from all sorts of eras.
pancerni said…
Aye, that would be telling now; you will have to wait for the rest.

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