Hinterland figures are perfect for Imagination campaign
A great sidebar to Imagination campaigns are the tenuous links to other periods using your personal favorites as building blocks to different time periods.
The Hinterland figures are from a time frame after the 1800 decade and give an opportunity to use the 5x5 countries in another era. To my eyes, these gems belong to the 1880 to 1913 era, with possible 1920's and 1930's settings. VBCW anyone?
Of note there are two figures new to the line, motorcycle couriers and a four wheeled conveyance for two huzzars and a machine gun. You can see the range in full at
From RTO to gal waving hat, lots of animation.
The sailors are augmented by the veldtforce inspired hats worn with duster length coat by the gals in the rear of photo.
Micro armor in front is unrelated to the Hinterland figures.
More hussar themed castings.