What are these?

After painting a very few figures with a very basic look, I am more firmly convinced 15mm is not the way for me to go. 

I do have a sizeable collection for the North African theater . These US, British, DAK and Italians will duke it out in my Lilliput Blitz campaign. Lots of vehicles and only a few figures to paint.


Which begs the question----what do I do with these?


Small figures,  15mm from the 1990's.  I think the army represents from somewhere on the Indian subcontinent.  Could be Essex?  Perhaps even Mikes Models?

8 Elephants are included.  Two hundred plus foot. At least 100 mounted.  So I want to decide.  Paint and play?  Sell?



You have a good puzzle to solve. I cannot identify any of the figures with certainty. I don’t think Essex but some remind me of Freikorps 15 style although the metal looks too soft.
rross said…
No idea what they are Joe, sorry! As to what to do with them, I would be inclined towards selling them off, personally.
pancerni said…
Jonathan, thanks for the look. They may even be a mix...freikorps could be a source. Just not sure I want to start another period now, especially in a smaller than 28mm scale.
pancerni said…
Keith, thanks for looking at 'em. I was guessing it will be a sale situation my self. Both the size and lack of knowledge in the era/area reduce the likelihood I get a lot of use from these. Hmmm.
Neil Patterson said…
Joe, the majority are Freikorps 15 "History of India" figures (HI code) later produced by QRF. There are some Mikes Models / Essex (separate horses).
The FK15 have Indian cavalry, elephants and possibly native inf as well as some Sepoys - Maharrata if I'm not mistaken..
You could do something like DBN with them or VnB - anything with low figure density and use or play against Napoleonics?
pancerni said…
Neil, you're awesome! I remember now the idea behind the project. There was a mythical campaign from one of the wargaming magazines, the article said it was based on the war of the roses with names sounding like the sub continent. Now I think I might just keep the lot and follow an abridged form the original idea. Thank you.

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