The oooh shiny of the week


In the last entry i mentioned a queue that is stretched over the next couple of years.  And then this happens.

The good folk over at Tabletop Games sent me a text:

 If there was a 4 1/2 ft model of the Yorktown,  would you and the people who play Blood Red Skies be interested in a scenario based on Midway with the Japanese attack?

Naturally I said yes.  Because we have 

BRS USN dive and Torpedo bombers.

BRS USN Hellcats (F6F)

BRS USN F4F WIldcats.


It s always easier to say yes to a project where you have all the units in hand.  A player can handle six machines in a squadron; so there is enough to outfit three players on the US side.

Turns out Trumpeter makes a 1/200 scale kit. The same scale as the Blood Red Skies aircraft! 

 Looks like a late April date to play.  Assuming the carrier model is ready. I just need to apply decals and touch up a few cockpit canopies.

But I have a feeling I am in for more than decals.



Lawrence H said…
This sounds as though it is going to be spectacular.
rross said…
Wow - that is going to be one epic game visually when you get it on the table. Joe!
pancerni said…
Confirmed today it will happen in late spring. talked to he who would be building the Yorktown. Both the Japanese air fleet and the USN squadrons will be reinforced for the event. It is gonna be a big game.
Matt Crump said…
Sounds like fun….the film was on the TV the other day 👍

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