Daharra seeks fugitive general. Fuddland expedition seeking other than rabbits.

Back in March, the players in our group's imagination campaign decided to try some mini-campaigns to dabble in annoying each other without  serious conflict erupting. As umpire, it is my job to let have their cake and eat it , too.  ( We all know how that turns out.)



 So while Greg and Peter are embroiled in a modified 'The Peasants are Revolting,' Roger opted for "An Arrest Warrant" and Barry agreed to try a very modified "Intimidation " campaign.  I committed an error in proper force size initially, a problem caused by 'estimating' a standard force size in Sharpe Practice and converting that into Chosen Men terms. I have recently deus ex machina'd a fix for all concerned. 

 So to launch both adventures...

The might of the fold extended tendrils to the border areas of the Kaiserliche the second week of April. 1802.  Fleeing after receiving a death sentence by the Courts of the Light for incompetence (losing) on the border with Fuddland, a former General  is rumored in the vicinity of crossing over into the Dual Kingdom on the Kaiserlich border.

 Columns have been sighted on the Daharan-Kaiserliche borders in pursuit. Will the force of The Light succeed or will the action lead to a conflict with the Dual Kingdom?

 Not to be outdone...

In Fuddland's Great Forest, a joint scientific  and military mission explores the edges of the forest in order to determine why taxes and recruitment are down while wild rumors of ancient horrors have surged in the local populace.  The forest in 28A is huge in game terms, so only a portion can be plumbed. The Czar Elmer is sending a group of scientists to investigate the rumors, and an escort selected from Fuddland's elite units to protect the wise men and punish slackers on the tax and recruitment side.





Gonsalvo said…
Ah, what Dullskugery is afoot on the Continent now?!
pancerni said…
As the story unfolds, secrets will be revealed. Will the light splinter or coalesce, can Fuddland plumb the truth of the ancient tales, will the basque dinner pots feature mutton or meatless? And what about Naomi?

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