Something old....FPW. units

 Just a post for April, no fooling. Well maybe the captions will make you smile.  Out of the FPW collection that has been cooped up in boxes for almost two decades. 

A mix of Foundry and Sussex mini's. Thick basing was to protect figures from clumsy players by providing a grip.

More recent sculpts, Calpe Prussian Jager. Yes, the more recent sculpts look like I have thinner bases. Slave to fashion, I guess.
Makes me hungry for pickles!

One more, I have some French as well.

These last may get recounted for skirmish games, not sure yet. Foundry figures here.


To prevent despair, troops in quarantine need parading about occasionally.
pancerni said…
Very true, parades and special competitions.
James Fisher said…
These look wonderful Joe. Great to give them a turn in the fresh air!
Regards, James
pancerni said…
Hopefully I can come up with a reason to keep them out of the dark. IHMN might help.

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