Almost Halloween Game


It seems Haloween timeframe battles have to have a background of Fantasy thrown in for good measure.  Roger and I tried the mechanics of the rules a few months ago, now Greg gets his chance.

 We set up a modified game using the Ambush Scenario in the book.  My darling, the Land of Harvest  provided the attackers while the Quadling force had stand-ins (using Quadling stats) again from the long suffering Brunswickers. 

In the Scenario, a large brigade of Quadlings play the 'Red Force' and is moving units in column when the 'blue' force, played by the Land of Harvest troops springs two small brigades as an ambush.

The game has a turn limit, each stand marched off the desired board edge scores points for the Quadling Army, those destroyed or still on table for game end are points for the Land of Harvest. The Brunswickers (Quadlings) included two cavalry, an artillery and six infantry units.

The nearer to the camera brigade of L.o.H. troops consisted of  Red Cap and Blue Cap mushrooms, the Hammerheads and the Pumpkin ' Chukka (light artillery to the uninitiated.)

The other side of the table saw the Cornmen, Carrotmen, and fearsome Greater Pumpkins.

The mechanics for who gets to move next were complicated in reading but worked out on table pretty smoothly. No  one is guaranteed how many units they can move until dice and cards are consulted. Not for the faint at heart. The Quadlings score some early points, getting the lead infantry of the ambush zone.

However, then the L.o.H. got a series of units to initiate charges.

First blood actually went to the LoH, the Cornmen Regiment deploying their popcorn attack. Stolid Quadlings accept this attack with aplomb and the neighboring Quadlings brae for impact against the giant pumpkins. See top of photo above.

  Lowest part of the photo, a Quadling unit attempts to close with Mushroom men unit to gover the rest of the column.

The L.o.H. Giant Pumpkins whiff  on  the attack, refusing to close into melee. Not shown is the Hammerhead unit charging, getting into melee and defeating a cavalry unit.


Last photo, and last melee of the game, a unit of Carrot-men close with a cavalry unit, a drawn affair that would see some cavalry retreat at the end.  We had movement , firing and melee down by game's end.  We did not use the magic rules no the regimental commander rules for simplicity sake.

I guess it went well, both Roger and Greg plan on picking up the rules, Greg is considering the Imps & Gnolls lists for his own force.


Jonathan Freitag saidā€¦
This is a wacky game but fitting for Halloween. Did the vegetable medley succeed?
rross saidā€¦
The Pumpkin units are certainly very appropriate for Halloween, Joe! A uniquely strange mixture of units in the LoH force, for sure!
Tony Adams saidā€¦
Yes indeed, a weird mix of combatants for sure but you seem to have had a lot of fun. My vote goes to the carrots....Regards.
Lawrence H saidā€¦
Very imaginative. That looked like fun Joe.
pancerni saidā€¦
The Veggies did well. Night saved the Brunswickers (Quadlings).
They were very creative with the LoH troops, for sure!
pancerni saidā€¦
Tony, the carrots were fun to paint. I included a few parsnips in the group.

Twas that, probably do more of it as we figure the rules out better.

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