Painting table work for showing

 I painted a humble peasant cart, one used by the Russians during the Napoleonic Wars, and through the 19th Century with little change. 

Perry Miniatures kit, apple green craft paint, burnt umber for ground color, Army Color Speed Paint for tack, driver's grey coat, red hat; craft pain maple tan (for bags) with a wash of strong tone.

 We will return soon with the basing.

Styrofoam to be a rock as  some work on the  basing.

Hundreds of these wagons were assigned to bring bread forward to the Russian Army in 1813 and 1814. They traveled in large groups.


At the end of the campaign, they turned around and followed the Army home.



Good looking bread wagon, Joe!
pancerni said…
Thanks Jonathan, lovely piece of kit, took me waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long to tackle. It will get one more look, when I re-show it and the Swedish 12 pounder battery.
Tony Adams said…
Always very happy to see horse drawn vehicles especially one this good. Very similar wagons still being used in the 1940's....Regards

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