On December plans.

 Well, on the home stretch for the year, and now to figure out what to do with all the indoor time coming . Spoiled by choices   and  opportunities to do so many games, I suppose a plan should be in order. 

On the paint table is a Swedish artillery battery and some cavalry. The game is afoot with several figures for the Victorian era to play.  I also have some Austrian lime newly prime and of course the recent pirate shipment. 

My gaming centers around our Friday group, which appears mostly to be skirmishes for the next few months.   Add to this games on Saturdays at the Tabletop Games store,  mostly to be Bolt Action games and the occasional showcase game. 

I think some solo gaming with my recently acquired  games of Blitzkreig and Flattop should be added. Maybe I can teach the dachshund to play, if she can forgo eating the counters. 

There are some blog clean up issues as well, and the Imagination campaign will be taking up some planning time for 2023. 

Well, tomorrow will see us back in Vienna with a game of AD1666.  There will be photos.



To be spoiled by choice is a good situation in which to find yourself.

Looking forward to battle reports and to watch your progress with Flattop.
Lawrence H said…
That sounds like interesting and varied plans for December. I'll look forward to seeing your Swedes in particular.
rross said…
Sounds like you have lots of plans for the coming couple of months Joe, lots of variety there too
pancerni said…
Lawrence, a battery will be up by Sunday.
Keith, definitely spoiled for choices.
Jonathan...Flat Top is actually getting some discussion with my two Friday gamers tomorrow.
Matt Crump said…
All that in December ! Busy
Tony Adams said…
Looking forward to photos of the battery and an account of how you train the dog not to eat counters....at least until they become casualties....Regards
James Fisher said…
I look forward to viewing more of your lovely Swedes Joe!
Regards, James
pancerni said…
Chatted with my two Friday game friends today, settled on Frostgrave for the next three weekly games. January will probably be some Chosen Men and Stargrave/Frostgrave, it all depends on weather and everyone staying healthy.
pancerni said…
Tony, I think keeping the dog away from the cardboard is the best regimen.

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