Micro terrain for the campaign, or, Math and Pizza boxes
Actually the cardboard is from one of those boxes delivered to my door by Amazon, or Fedex, or UPS or... you get the picture.
If you have read any posts of the last few month months, you have seen the cardboard sheet used to protect the dining table. Drab but useful, easy to cover up with enough prep.

What came to the rescue was some craft foam originally meant for Crossfire! that was still in the cellar ....never throw anything away. Except really fuzzy stuff in the refrigerator.
Any way, you can probably guess the terrain key: blue is water, green is forest, buff is for fields and dark brown is for both roads and built up areas (small rectangles) . The green and red monopoly buildings denote light and heavier construction of the buildings. The foam itself is light, bendable, does not stretch, can take paint and some glues, light and was cheap enough......I bought it all ten plus years ago. The base color of the box denotes open territory.
And-underneath it all you can see the trusty stand by cardboard, now with trusty hand drawn --- well with a straight edge and protractor, hexagons. 20 inches across flat to flat. Two hours to get it right and permanent marker outlined. (The geometric construction techniques are buried deep in this one, Yoda would say.)
What a lot of bother to explain away the look of the game. Thank you for you patience.