Solo at the helm

Waiting for my latest reinforcement--- a 28 inch sweep two stage electric snowblower,  I decided to draw up a small scenario for the November WW3 campaign.

Solo, I will try the Warpac higher level recon versus the recon screen of the BAOR. 

Yep, looks familiar from last post. See the red arrow towards the bottom?

  That's where we will go.

So, what do I get to use?  Some Brdms and BTR60s with a few T64 in support.  Of course, only facing Scorpions and Scimitars will help.  This is mostly to reacquaint myself with the rules we last played months ago. 

I picked the location for the per the dictum of always hitting a joint, a location on unit boundaries to keep reactions off balance at first. 

Photo recon from Warpac assets.

Low angle view of almost the entire playing area but very much into the game play. Just short of 36 by 40 inches gave us a 3 1/2 by 4 kilometer battle area.

From Warpac HQ

To: Guards Tank Division Recce 

Attn: Col. Fishkie 

The Soviets have decided it is time to free the peoples of Western Europe from their capitalist masters.  Your mission is to leave the general area of border crossings and attempt to providing screening and reports of any heavy units of the enemy.

The other side: Her Majesties recon units, consisting of a few platoons of Scimitar and Scorpion vehicles  were spread thin, reacting to a flurry of incoherent telephone calls from the Grenze polizie and locals living near the border. More telling perhaps was the radio silence of the British liaison teams on the border where the Grenze patrolled. 

Arriving at the border locations turned out to be unfeasible as upon entering the 5 km zone the unmistakable sound of large numbers of tracked vehicles to the East could be heard. Covered positions allowed the recon assets to hand off to the leading elements observation points of Warpac columns traveling at speed down secondary roads. 

  The Warpac 's 5th Guard Tank Regiment recon team screening the first tank battalion.  The tanks are in a race against time to cross the majority of the distance on the table to claim a tactical breakthrough. Dawn broke and the BAOR and FRG team commanders started to deploy to try to stop the Warpac units.

Of course, the main action took place immediately following the photos above. So in the next article, I will explain more about the layout, table set up, and game play.


Gonsalvo said…
*definitely* not my period, but still looks fun, if WW3 is perhaps becoming too close to potential reality!
Inquisitor said…
Well that looks like fun! Pretty creative layout, sir.
pancerni said…
Trying to be flexible as there will be at least three more battlefields in the series.

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