2nd Battalion, Westmandlands Regiment complete.
Another 18 figures down. The Westmandland unit will join the earlier unit. The battalion makes the regiment complete, and the regiment makes the brigade complete as well.
Here is the unit, Perry castings all, a mix of craft paint, artist acrylics and Army Painter Fast Paints and Vallejo colors was used to put together. As an experiment, I blended some of the old Swedish Blue acrylic with some Army Painter Fast Paint medium. The effects for coverage were muted compared to the actual fast paints, I suspect too little medium was introduced. I have a plan for a second try.
Two regiments, totaling five battalions to go on my 1813 Swedes. At least the infantry.
2nd Battalion on left of photo, taken before the issue of the Liebfahne.
Two brigades remain to be completed. The Jonkoping Regiment and the Sondermanland Regiment are in the queue to be painted.
It was as exciting to me to note the completion of regiment and brigade which means under 150 figures to go on this 1815 Swedish Army project. I also did some updating on the page for the Swedish Army.
I was working on another post, but my information was not all at hand and so it is in pending stages...apologies for the tease. I don't know why the thumbnail showed. The Nyland Latte Dragoons are coming.
Come to think of it, the Leprechaun could have done it!
What is the planned composition of your Swedes when completed?
That is an elite brigade, 4 line brigades, 5 cavalry units and something like 10 batteries of artillery. The brigades have anywhere from two to seven battalions.
There was an additional brigade serving under Walmoden near Hanover also modeled. The exact units involved, as far as the infantry is concerned, are shown on the Swedish Army page. The Artillery and Cavalry units will be updated as they are completed.