Ok, so here is my painting table, and figure storage.
I still think this is a bad idea, but Keith over at http://1808534.blogspot.com/
Says we should share the condition of painting table exists.
Here is the main table, does get some natural light ,
Alternate table, mostly used for staging.
No self respecting wargamer/procrastinator would not keep at least half the backlog within arm's reach.
The imagination campaign, reference books and AD1666 live here. The stacked plastic file boxes have the imagination campaign records in them.
The storage for painted troops, basing materials and terrain is in our cellar. Old farmhouses here (New England) have cellars, not basements. Assuming you have strong stomachs,
Terrain, bases, 20mm WW2 and 28mm VSF figures & stuff.
More of same, plus the terrain tower.
Left half of Napoleonic figures, 100 plus really useful boxes, the right half of them is off camera. The stacks are two deep on the shelves in this unit as the shelves are four foot deep.
More shelving, mostly deep storage projects, like 20mm WW2 and oddities, like the Wars of Ozzz figures.
I did leave out the actual workbench and my colonial/seventeenth Century shelving units. You can have too much of a good thing.
Keith, Really useful brand, about 102. Others, cardboard, shoe boxes, etc. -no idea . Fishing tackle carriers masquerading as boxes-7. And no , I am not making an inventory. Yes I did figure to answer both questions so as to get back to painting.
Dave, I had t o wait until kids grew up and moved out. Before that it was as your set up. Hopefully your situation improves with time?
Lawrence, Thanks! Although sometimes the organization falls through. Just found my 20mm GI's after 2 searches.
Dave, I made the move from shoe boxes to Really Useful Boxes and did not look back. And I do have some to highlight soon.
Gonsalvo, yes we do have a fair bit.
Thanks for the cellar tip. I was very young but shocked to find out a lot of US homes in certain regions have no basements/cellars!
I have a lot in the painting queue, but my armies will be large.