Galactic Knights Setting

 Here is the inside the cover map of the Galaxy covered in Galactic Knights.  Gregg will be starting out from Delta Sector,' Southwest' of the map quadrants.

The top half of the map is the part of the Terran Empire still under the control .  The alien menaces are the Avarians to the Northeast, the Carnoivorans to the west, and the Entomolians to the Southeast. I think we can also use the map in our Stargrave  campaign. Plenty of room to maneuver.  


Gonsalvo said…
Stargrave and GK should mesh together quite well in a pseudo campaign setting.
pancerni said…
Yes, and there are rules on generating planetary systems in detail. Just the ticket for crossover.
Gonsalvo said…
The Starfire campaign rules had a nice process for generating\ the characteristics of new star systems; way bac in the day I made it into a BASIC program for my Apple IIe. That was a LONG time ago!
pancerni said…
Yeah, early AI :-)

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