Galactic knights-now with fighters

 Plodding on with learning the rules. I can not say teaching them as Greg is doing much better than me when we play these last few Fridays while we wait for Roger's knee to progress in therapy enough so he can join in with his Carnivores. 

I did get a treat with Greg sporting his new livery for the Terran ships.  Red white & blue.  Very much contrasting with the green and yellow Aquarian fleet.

The color scheme even tied in with the Terran fighter wings, which sport red or blue stripes on white fuselages.


We set up the fleets and ran through the missile and fighter rules. I had an idea to set up handy cheat sheets on each sides fighters, but neglected  to list defensive values so we still wound up looking for those vales during the game.  Greg & I were in agreement, the size of the force required in these scenarios will normally be at this level, 1000  to 1200 points.

Now that we have a handle on the game, we'll do an AAR on the next outing.


Matt Crump said…
Interesting little forces although not really my think at the moment 👍
pancerni said…
Matt, one thing I have found, as a group we have varied interests. I am going to cycle through a lot of periods and games sets this year, if the first two months is any indication.
Gonsalvo said…
Looking good! Royal blue for the Terrans, eh? Mine are painted Star Wars inspired white as the base color.

One thought on the Drift counters... I glued mine to 40mm round Masonite bases - fit perfectly, and much nicer to handle and look at that the loose pieces of paper.

pancerni said…
Left mine white as a reference as well. May mount the drift markers yet.

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