Missiles and dogs on the painting table.

 As you probably figured from careful perusal of my painting tabe, I like to have more than one project live at a time.

I have finished the first of the Doggie D&D'ers.  And the second is almost complete.  So for this week, I painted something*

The first is our very own Valentine. Dressed up as Morganne the sorceress.  Cloak color chosen by her 'mom,'



Yes, it does look like our own Dachshund....who does not own a purple robe, btw.


     Her best friend is Gabe, a Prince Charles Retriever bard

He needs his equipment to be finished. 


Also, we have drones mounted on stands, a first in over 25 years with these mboels,

Terran drones first 

Then these follow an air asset  The emerge ready to do damage out 12 inch.

 Then a few Aquarian drones as well




rross said…
Good to see you making progress on your D&D dogs, Joe!
pancerni said…
Dachshund is done and the Cavalier King Charles is 70 percent there. Most importantly, the grand daughters and daughter instantly recognized their dog as model.
Next dog up is the Saint Bernard. Then maybe the Beagle.
Matt Crump said…
Eclectic is the word 👍
pancerni said…
Matt, the little projects, like the dogs, help me remember it's all for fun.
Tony Adams said…
Hi...the dogs look great and yes its all for fun....Regards.
pancerni said…
I finished the cavalier, hopefully another couple of the other dogs next, St Bernard & Beagle.

It is all fun. It's why we do it.

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