Game board spawns next Imagination campaign
Blitzkreig map is getting a page of its history as a resource for a imagination campaign set in a group of years from the late 1920's and 1930's.
The Minor countries have been named in a fashion, lifting from the satiric Bored of the Rings book. I still need to make a decision on the naming of the two 'big' nations involved, Big Red and Great Blue; I may even break up hose two countries into several more for a maximum of ten countries on the map. The campaign is meant to be more gonzo than the mostly historical based 1800 ish continent.
I will use it ( in theory) to plunk WW1, WW2 and some noire Pulp games in a setting. The Minor countries include the Upper 40, the Lower 40, Todoor, Fordoor, and Roi-Tan. The last is specifically designed for me to call mounted units the 'Riders of Roi Tan.' (look, there goes Alice). I am heavily leaning to a solo outing on this , similar to Barry's Redoubt Eurica campaign.
You will have to zoom in really big as the board is almost 4 foot across.
You see, my situation includes WW2 collections in 15,20 and 28mm . Ahem, not small collections at that. If you click on the image you can see through the magic of MS Paint, the new country names are recorded.
I would like to report on the campaign in a newspaper format. Is there a good software to help layout? Right now I use open office for typing but it gets wonky when I try to get columns and headers on the same page with too many insets, like photos or tables.
It is also an excuse to use the map, which I happily will leave up on my cellar table.
I used Libre Office when creating a newspaper for a Diplomacy game years ago. It seemed to work well but I agree editing can sometimes be complicated.
I will push through the Newspaper idea, it is too useful to abandon at this point. Thanks for the insight and support. Maybe I can send you a free copy of the "Lower 40 Zeitung."
Thank you. I am happy with the way it looks. Laying it out did almost feel like cheating, but I will be filling in with more details, so.....
Bored of the rings, eh? I'd be more inclined to go with Hyboria, Lankmar, or the realms of Elric of Melnibone myself. Best not to get started on that! :-)
We all have our favorites, eh? Elric's tale is a little dark for me, even before the final twists.
Now where should I put the Land of the Knee Walking Turkeys?
I use comic book apps on my phone.
Thanks, I shall look at it. One of a thousand ideas.
It took three months but now I understand the "Blitzkrieg 50" reference! I had no idea anything was done with the game to that extant.