British 16TH Light Dragoons

 More cavalry,  these just the first of a series of units made from the Perry miniatures plastic set.  These fellows represent the later uniform and headgear worn in the 1815 campaign.  There are two more light dragoon units to assemble and paint.. 

In particular the the 16th Light Dragoon Regiment is painted.  The Queen's Own. I picked the unit for its role in the 1815 and Peninsula campaigns.  And the red facings.


                   There you , one infantry, two cavalry units in posted in a week. 

 Back to painting, most everything.....



Matt Crump said…
Wow busy this week, as it happens I have some Perry Hussars to paint as well, I just had to go for the early headgear though 👍
Ben Cato said…
Great work there.
I always wondered why the uniforms changed some much in this period. I guess just for reasons of cost or fancy. Makes the whole Napoleonic period complicated to model.
Gonsalvo said…
The British needed some more cavalry for sure. I did all my British cavalry in the later uniforms as well.
pancerni said…
Matt, ditto on the Hussars, although I am doing the Hanoverian regiments.
Ben, the change from helmet to shako is the most pronounced item difference.
Peter, yes, but watch this space.
rross said…
Nice work Joe....the Perry figures are great!

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